Some Parts Are So Wild They Seem Fiction.

This is the story of my life that I am about to tell. Parts of this story will have names changed for confidentiality, as well as there will be a little bit of embellishment for fun sake. So being that this is the story of my life, this should be non-fiction, but there will be a few things weaved throughout that are made up, kind of like the icebreaker game “Two Truths and a Lie”. The real fun part will be the wondering which is which; I will never tell. 😉

There will be parts told in the present tense, others in the past tense. There may be parts where Tyra is writing, and others where Tatiana is telling the story; it just depends on who is writing on any given time. We have decided to keep these changes in the past/present times and not divulge who is writing. Some of the writings are narrative, and others are reliving past memories as though they are present. So enjoy this different reading and writing style of identical, yet so different twins on different continents.

I believe I will start this story of my life to before I was even a thought. Madison, Indiana a baby boy is born into a German family May 23, 1955. For the story sake we will call this boy Hans. Hans is the youngest of 5 siblings, 3 sisters and 1 brother. Hans is very athletic; at a very young age he has pictures taken of him flexing his muscles. Later in life he became a body builder for a short amount of time, winning trophies at different body building competitions. Hans was very close to his dad, and had a disgust for his mom and the rest of the family. Even though he had this disgust, you would never know it because the family seemed so happy in their upper class Scottsdale home where they moved to from Indiana. Hans and his other siblings spent a great deal of time at their grandmothers, in her care when they were small. Her house was a very tiny shack without room for all kids, but that didn’t matter; grandma made up beds with blankets and the kids slept outside under the stars to be woken every morning with a fresh cooked breakfast all ready to eat. All the kids just loved being at grandmas; even though it was a shack, there was love. Love is something that Hans didn’t feel from his own mom.

As the years passed on, Hans went through grammer school, then onto high school. Mid high school for Hans, the family picked everything up and moved to Scottsdale Arizona where Hans went to Saguaro High School, was on the track and field team, made new friends and began to really enjoy life as well as partake in mind altering substances such as alcohol and drugs; this is very common and something that was a daily ritual in his house. On the weekends there was beer pool parties with people jumping off the diving board and just having a great time. As time went on, everyone in that family suffered from alcoholism. Hans was a very attractive young man and it was easy for him to have many beautiful girls at his side. 1972 Hans meets who we will call Jill. Jill was the neighbor girl who was absolutely stunning in every way. In 1973 Jill and Hans marry when Jill is only 16 and Hans is 18; less than a year later I am born, Tyra Lee. Tatiana Jordan is also born; Tatiana was born second, and had to be take emergency caesarean section because her heart rate was dropping, she was breach and the cord was wrapped around her neck.

August 21, 1974 born in Phoenix Arizona comes this health, 10 pound baby girl out of her petite little 5 foot 2 inch tall mother. Tyra was born natural birth, but because of her size she was born with a broken collar bone. This remarkably healed in just a matter of days! Now I am born. I can remember being born and feeling so cold and everything looking so bright; I was uncomfortable. I find out later it is not normal to remember back so far. To me my memory of this life and potentially others is always there and completely natural. I remember thinking about my wife Nettie; (ya… that’s for another chapter in this story). Hans and Jill have an apartment in Scottsdale. Hans has a good job, buys a brand new Gremlin (Car), has a house built and Jill stays home and takes care of little me as well as Tatiana (which I have no memory of her then) and she is also pregnant again with my brother Bennie. I will use Bennie’s real nick name because he is no longer with us; he died in 2010. Bennie was born July 27, 1976. I remember just loving him to pieces.

Drama comes to the happy little, young family and Hans and Jill separate. Jill moves in with her adopted mother and the kids shortly after Bennie is born.

Hans is not OK with his kids being with her at all. This becomes a more and more obsession to get these kids away from Jill so she doesn’t have them. One day he calls Jill and asks if he can take the kids shopping, comes to her house, puts the kids in the back of the Gremlin and that was the last time she was able to mother those children. Hans had kidnapped them.

Continue To the first chapter HERE